
It's a long story, but I'm recompiling a lot of material here in a new space.
I've posted older comment threads where they apply. I haven't where it doesn't. So there.



I open mic-ed. It was "meh". Inspiration to practice more and do better next time (I always feel this way...)

Re-reading Donna Haraway for a paper I'm writing: cyborg feminism. Interesting.

Have been repeatedly reminded lately of the continual struggle between the things I "should do", "need to do", and "want to do". Is there really any difference? Should it be such a struggle to reconcile these things? And what about the things I'm compeltely indifferent towards that just seem to happen anyway?

Regardless: I'm planning a trip to Maui. And procrastinating on this paper. And wishing I were better at saying the things I mean.



Open Mic. I promise.

Today: sparring all round! kids, adults...then kickboxing to finish the day. Sweaty, sore and exhausted.

Tomorrow: three (three!) kickboxing seminars for local highschools. Followed by Campus for class (missing morning class for seminars... ugh. So hard to balance the two). The open mic. Seriousy.

Pictures from that wedding to come.


Time Travel

I went to Ontario for the most beautiful wedding ever.
I was surrounded by people I was happy to see (that seemed happy to see me!)
I felt nostalgic. Enjoyed good company. Had a great time.

Then I came home! And continued with my disconnected but incredibly fulfilling life.
Two worlds of awesome-- but so, so separate.