
It's a long story, but I'm recompiling a lot of material here in a new space.
I've posted older comment threads where they apply. I haven't where it doesn't. So there.


Good ...and Bad

Perks to owning your own business:
- you (technically) get to make your own hours
- your pay check is directly related to your performance (yay!)
- you're doing something different every day
- you get to build, foster and grow a "thing", which is satisfying.

Cons to business ownership:
- "your own hours" actually means waking up at 4:40 am to start working and then getting home at 10pm, to go right to sleep so you can wake up at 4:40 the next morning.
- sometimes, you have to remind people when they owe you money (so you can write your pay check).
- there is no such thing as "routine"
- small bits of your "crazy" often germinate into full-blown anxiety/ insanity/ gibbering idiocy.

Between the Bootcamps, regular classes, administration, and the leaking roof... oh and the Masters degree, I'm feeling a little... squirrel-y this week.


This makes me happy.

Jenny sent me this today.
It made me grin-- why you gotta kick so much ass Jenny?