My sense of direction is...mysterious.
There was, briefly, a time when it was "good". I used it frequently. Took courses that relied on an ability to read a map in the Air Cadets.
I was also organized, for this brief time.
And then I realized that other people have maps in their heads. They can find places they've been to once, because they know where those places are in relation to the other things on the maps in their heads.
I got lost on an airplane once. Just for a moment, but... seriously. How does that happen?
The other day I found myself repeatedly disoriented upon leaving one specific class room (Three times in a row. That bad). My instinct was to blame the light. The basement-ness of the room in combination with the floursecents and the sameness of the hallways of the university.
But really, it's me.
My compass is broken.
I'm going to start leaving chalk marks on all the walls as I walk from place to place.
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