
It's a long story, but I'm recompiling a lot of material here in a new space.
I've posted older comment threads where they apply. I haven't where it doesn't. So there.


in the name of science

Her: Look! Pita Puffs!! I LOVE pita puffs!!!
Me: ? I remember those. But why are you so excited?
Her: They don't SELL them in Ontario anymore...I LOVE THEM
Me: So? Get a bag
*she grabs two*
Her: I'm so happy.
*ten minutes later*
Her: Did you want anymore? You've only had a few.
Me: No...I'm good.
Her: 'cause I'm gonna eat the whole bag.
Me:... okay.
Her: I ate the whole bag. *lip smacking noise* I'm so happy"
Me: What are you...
Her: -- I'm gonna see if I can finish all this water too. Just to see if I can fit it all in me!
Me: um...that's a more than a liter of--
Her: It's a liter and a half! I'm gonna drink it and see what happens.
Me: *visualizing her vomiting up a bag of pita puffs and 1.5 liters of water all at once*
Me: oh god...

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