
It's a long story, but I'm recompiling a lot of material here in a new space.
I've posted older comment threads where they apply. I haven't where it doesn't. So there.


well what do you do with your free time?

Hypothetically speaking, lets pretend that a (few of my close) friend(s) have recently gone through divorce.

I have witnessed an awful lot of emotional high, low, and hilarity in the past few years.

I witnessed one man delightedly, defiantly...gleefully choose to use one of "the good" tea towels to mop up a spill. I was confused; apparently there are "tea towels" (used for drying dishes, wiping counter tops and mopping up spills) and then there are "tea towels" (not for use, but for hanging on a rack- god forbid you get them dirty).

Now, lets also suppose that a girl (hypothetically speaking, this girl) managed to steal one or two (maybe five?) tea towels out of the DRAWER BURSTING FULL of them in this man's kitchen.

And maybe she made for him a sustainable alternative to mopping up spills.

Having created something intended to be cute, that (as always) came out creepy...should she call them:
"T-Bears, the cuter sponge" or
"Sustainabears... re-usably clean"
or "The Good Ones"
because I don't know if I grabbed the good ones or the regular ones...
Do you think he'll be mad?
(this is all hypothetical anyway...)


  1. Rob thinks they look great and should be called Smile Buddies. lol

  2. Ha
    Jenny... Rob also things that midgets doing parkours would be *amazing*
    tell him thank you.


  3. Dear Jenny

    Would you like a set of these for your wedding present?

