
It's a long story, but I'm recompiling a lot of material here in a new space.
I've posted older comment threads where they apply. I haven't where it doesn't. So there.


Lesson Learned...

and thoroughly enjoyed!

Never assume that three measures of anything listed in series are just fancy names for "small, medium and large"
You the tall, grande, vente thing?

"Regular", "Large", and "Mountain" doesn't mean small, medium, large. It means kinda big, bigger, and frigging mountainous!

don't take more ice cream than you can possibly eat quickly for a walk on a windy day.

The combination of melting ice cream and high winds was...a disaster.

Turns out that the wind whips my hair around-- right into the ice cream. Then it whips my ice cream covered hair around... all over my face. Which is basically like waving an ice cream covered paintbrush around with abandon.

The people walking past me were appalled; I looked like a Picasso.

I was so happy.

1 comment:

  1. Marlene Campbell Vromans: Reading this as I have some Pralines & Cream out of a bowl with no wind. Delish!

    Joseph McGuire: You have the best fun! Another food that's fun to eat with high winds is popcorn.

    Amber Rieder: I still have face bruises from high winds and licorice.

    Sheila Wynne Fung: ahaha! oh, Amber. I'm having such a distressing time visualizing you battling it out with the licorice...
    use your teeth dammit!!
