
It's a long story, but I'm recompiling a lot of material here in a new space.
I've posted older comment threads where they apply. I haven't where it doesn't. So there.


It's all in the eyes.

A few weeks ago I posted a status on Facebook that went something like this:

"Sheila Wynne Fung didn't know what to say to the man looking wistfully at her bike from the passenger window of his girlfriend's Kia. But it was awfully nice of him to hold the little dog in it's carrying-purse on his lap like that."

I wasn't joking. I made eye contact with a man who was looking mournfully out at me, desperately holding the little dog in it's carry-bag. His eyes were so... pleading. I didn't know what to do. So I just kind of nodded at him and broke eye contact.

I felt like that time I was at the zoo and a Mir cat was standing with his paws on the wall of the enclosure basically asking me to help him get out... I wanted to help him. But fear reprisal. After all. What do I know? Maybe he loves riding in the Kia...

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