
It's a long story, but I'm recompiling a lot of material here in a new space.
I've posted older comment threads where they apply. I haven't where it doesn't. So there.



I have spent a fair bit of time at the Vancouver Aquarium. I like to watch the Otters: they have so much fun!

Last week a student in one of my classes had us all go outside for a ceremony of giving thanks. She had us choose animals at random out of a hat and then attempt to identify characteristics of the animal we chose in terms of how we try to live our lives, or how we might try to-- in relation to a feminist reading about nature, technology, and sustainability. I chose the Otter out of the hat-- which made me happy.

I think fun, and joy, and play are all so important. I try to live joyfully. I try to spread it around -- laughter is good.

There is a student at the Dojo that is notoriously grumpy. Even when he's just standing still, he looks grumpy (he's only 10. How on earth can he be so grumpy?). So I have always made a point of *insisting* he participate in the fun parts of class, even when he grumpily pretends he doesn't want to.
Recently, he's started smiling more. Without provocation. And he tells me exciting things like "I got a new CD!" and laughs more easily... makes me feel good.

On Halloween, we've told the kids that they can wear their costumes to class. It will be Sparring week starting on the 31st. I know at least 5 of them are coming as super heroes. There's going to be a little girl dressed as a dragon, a few vampires, and a whole whack of pirates and ninjas.
I think I'm more excited about Halloween than I ever have been. I don't even have a costume, I just want to see pirates fighting ninjas... !!

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