
It's a long story, but I'm recompiling a lot of material here in a new space.
I've posted older comment threads where they apply. I haven't where it doesn't. So there.



This is my life.

We had just finished watching "The Warrior's Way"

Me: "man that guy has a badass glare. Gun-fighter eyes."
Him: "like this??" *glares*
Me: "...but scarier. You need to work on scary"
Him: *he sits up higher, turns to face me head on, scowls, lets a floor-shaking belch out right in my face-- still scowling*
Me: "I think I hate you right now"
Him: "like that!?"
Me: "it's definitely hate"


"Thank you for handing me my ass today"

This is the last thing I said to Sheena before leaving the dojo. She's from Jiu Jitsu. Spent a good half hour beating the tar out of me in class today-- she's really good. I put up a better fight with her than I did last time around...but she's been doing jiu jitsu for about 5 years now and holy smokes can she move. I *love* training with a girl. She's about the same size as me and doesn't have the ego that appears so frequently on the mats.

After class my ears were awfully sore: I don't want to get cauliflower ear
so I've been thinking about ear guards... I think I found the perfect pair


I volunteered for this?

I don't know what I was thinking- Volunteering my time at a spring break camp. Sheesh

Picture Sheila Vs. 20 kids- all hyped up on the fact that they're not in school. Highlight number 1 of the day...

student 1: "Oh my god. You're like a Chinese ninja"
student 2: "She's Chinese?"
student 1: "Yeah-- can't you tell? look at her eyes"
Student 2: "Are you Chinese?"
Me: "yes."
Student 1: "Are you a ninja?"
Me: "yes. sit down."

They did.

Student A: "Can you show me a pressure point?"
Me: "Give me your arm"

... I only poked it. He was exaggerating his pain, but it made my day. They sat down too. When all else fails, fear and pain will always work.

It's probably a good thing that I don't have my own.


The depths of our love

Her: I got you something!
Me: really(excited)!? wait... (wary)is it a kick in the head?
Her: nooooooo
Me: Because last time you said that...
Her: No! it's not. I bought it a year ago and have been saving it for you.
Me: Really!? (excited) what it is!?
Her: here!

Jungle Panda.
No one is safe.

This is how I know she cares.


Dear Jenny

I would have said yes.
You didn't have to trick me into being a bridesmaid and wearing a dress. You (should) know that you're so important to me I'd agreed to what ever you need for your wedding.

Of course... you (should) also know that no amount of puppy-dog eyes will ever convince me that you "need" me to be the stripper at your reception. So stop asking.


No pressure...

While waiting at a bus stop.

Her: "Hey wanna have a dance party?"
Me: "...what?"
Her: "It'll be fun. watch. -- hey, hey you"
Him: "What?"
Her: "It's a dance party"
Him: "...what?"
Her: "You have 15 seconds to show me what you got. Aaaaaand.... Go!"

He looks left. Looks right. His eyes get really big.
...and then he grips his (closed) umbrella in two hands, breaks out into the most enthusiastic running-on-the-spot I've ever seen. Shifts to Jazz hands with ear-to-ear grin, double foot shuffle, two step-spin around the the umbrella aaaand.... more jazz hands.

Her: "That was good!"
Me: "I'm...confused"
Him: "I'm going to get on this bus now."
Her: "Okay!"

I was impressed.


a day in the life...

Him: wanna help me take the garbage and recycling out? There's lots.
Me: sure- let me put a coat on.

*he wanders away. I hear rummaging in the other room*

Him: I'm going to take this apart!
Me: What?
Him: This sword! I'm not keeping it. I'm going to take it apart.
Me: ... now?
Him: YES!
Me: So... no garbage?

*more rummaging*

Him: Never mind... it's not a full tang. This is disappointing.
Him: I've been secretly hoping this was an awesome sword all along. It's not. Garbage run?



Flash Forward

Time, she passes. I didn't realize a couple weeks had passed already: it's march!

Looking forward to a crazy month. Jenny and Rob visiting (yessss). A few mid-term projects due for school (uh oh). Spring break camps in Surrey at a couple of the elementary schools (should be interesting)... and the return of SUMMER (yessss).
Can't wait to get back on the bike regularly.

I asked a group of kids in one of my classes what "bravery" means to them. This is what I got in response:
"Sometimes, when you're scared of a thing, you have to be able to do stuff anyway".

I think it's pretty apt. We ended up talking about how it's ok to be afraid-- what's important is what you do when you're scared. Does it paralyze you ("freeze you up" in kid-speak)? Or can you be "brave", and make everything ok in the end.
