
It's a long story, but I'm recompiling a lot of material here in a new space.
I've posted older comment threads where they apply. I haven't where it doesn't. So there.


Look! I made a friend!

It was love at first sight and I just couldn't resist. Stop judging me.

I found a circle of these in Stanley park back in the spring. My favorite part was the look on the man's face who'd agreed to take the photo when I asked (which I don't usually do...but the art in the Stanley park is so random. The week before these little guys went up there was a display of Pillows, scattered around in the grass. Giant, plaster pillows. Not comfortable at all).

Also: I witnessed today a *very* well executed roundhouse kick to the head. It was delivered with enough control not to knockout the unfortunate student on the receiving end. As it connected, I couldn't help a guttural "oooooouch!!" in response (which I'm sure didn't help anyone) and I did a little victory dance in an expression of my delight/approval for the student who threw it (who, until lately has only been throwing round kicks at knee level. This is a huge improvement).

The student that got kicked stopped and tore his head gear off- much to my confusion (he wasn't hit hard), when I realized that the guy's one toe (the big one) had been extended at a weird angle when he kicked...and he managed to poke his poor oponent RIGHT in the eye.
I mean, how demoralizing is that? he got kicked in the head. But it wasn't the KICK that hurt so much as the TOE IN THE EYE.

I don't know how I keep a straight face sometimes. It might explain why I spend so much of my time alone laughing hysterically. Just to get it out...

Anyway he was fine. Just a little grossed out at having had someones big sweaty toe jammed into his eyeball. Ew.


  1. Is that a statue of my boyfriend painted red???
    Why are you kissing him!?

    Rob threw a backfist at Baker a few weeks ago and stuck his finger right into Baker's mouth. lol

  2. ha.
    if he wouldn't squat weirdly in parks...I wouldn't have to kiss him.

    wait do you mean Jen or Shane Baker?

    either way: ew!

  3. and fyi- I won't be in Ontario. I'm heading right out to Nova Scotia.. :(
    I'm sorry it took me to long to respond. Life has been repeatedly hitting the fan of late...

    : (
